Jun 242013

Dear God…. I’ve just bought my first bike!!! There’s a good mix of feelings going on… face splittingly happy to worry about how this will all be paid for to vomit inducing excitement. Seriously, what is going on? It’s all the sunshine’s fault – there I would be, driving home in the few days of good spring weather (which may just be our Summer!) and in the distance I can see snow covered mountains.  Feeling a little claustrophobic in the car and imagining me cruising along the winding back roads back home. I’m getting the feeling that the world is working its magic to ensure I get my ass on a bike finally – I’ve only had this hairbrain idea in the back of my mind since seeing my sister go off on her scooter to work when I was in my early teens. The scooter part was never for me.

Let’s rewind to where this all took off…. My family have a little history of the two wheeled kind. Like I said, my sister had a scooter, my mother had a scooter/mad yellow skinny motorbike thing and then my Dad was in on it too…. he was (and I’m very proud to say it) the first member of the Gardai on a motorbike in the town that would introduce me to my wonderful other half.  Of course it’s fate that I first met my husband when he was on his motorbike…. it looked tall and all I saw of him was his eyes (I’m not writing a romantic novel so we won’t dwell on things there!)…. I was  hooked from there on.

When my husband mentioned about travelling on the back of his bike I said that I’d like that but I would like to have a bit of knowledge about how to act/react on a bike and perhaps a few lessons wouldn’t go astray. A matter of weeks later we were at the Bike & Scooter show and I’m introduced to a lovely guy – not told what he does, so I didn’t know that when I spoke about liking the idea of being able to ride a motorbike, he got information and started making a plan of what I should do.  This conversation culminated in him asking me to contact him when I’ve passed my theory test and then before I know it I’ll be on a bike of my own!!

By the end of the family day out at the Bike show I had two jackets, one helmet, met my bike instructor and started on the path of not merely being a biker’s “mot” but being a biker myself – never happy just taking the back seat in things (excuse the pun).

I don’t really remember the last time I’ve been so excited and anxious all at the one time. I know you have to push your own boundaries in life to get the most out of it, but now I know that I’ve been playing it safe and this is possibly the most fun I’ve had …. ever. Now to try and see if I can make the bike move!

Let’s see if I can pass the theory test next week – after all the beautiful bike won’t ride itself (although it’d look bloody awesome trying). I’m loving it!.


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BikerDIY admin.

"It all starts here…."
is 1 of 9 posts from BikerDIY admin currently available on BikerDIY.com

  2 Responses to “It all starts here….”

  1. That’s fantastic bikerbabe. Best of luck with it, keep us posted with your progress please and when you do get on the bike remember……….rubber side down shiney side up !!

  2. WOW. Best of luck with all that they put in front of you these days before you can ride a bike.

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