Check out this article from FEMA. The Fereation of European Motorcyclist’ Association has raised concerns about TESLAs driver assist systems (and the testing of them) when expected to recognise motorcycles on the road. I find it astounding that motorcycles are not already included in the […]
Road safety
Sep 282022
Dec 032016
Sep 292014

I was just reading this article on the MAG Ireland site. This in my opinion is a great piece of writing. Full of what I would consider very valid points, most of which I hadn’t previously thought of. Of course that’s mainly because when confronted […]
Sep 292014

Look at this for a helmet… Once the initial eagerness of wanting to be like some sort of fighter pilot on my bike wore off I realised a few things. Things like the price which makes it an awful expensive item to have to […]
Jun 162014