I’m not feeling any of that. I’m not getting the metro guys making a leather jacket look like a suit. I’m not getting the look of the “modern cruiser” which to me looks like somebody glued spare bits from the last Judge Dread movie onto […]
All the posts about or showing motorbike related video content alone are here.
I’m not feeling any of that. I’m not getting the metro guys making a leather jacket look like a suit. I’m not getting the look of the “modern cruiser” which to me looks like somebody glued spare bits from the last Judge Dread movie onto […]
Yep, I don’t get this. It seems horses for courses and all that but, can you imagine the out cry around here if you ran an ad where a man carried a pregnant (never mind heavily pregnant) women to the hospital on a moped for […]
I have to admit I at some points ended up shouting at the screen because he had spots where he could have, or more accurately I would have, overtaken and demo’d the torque. The TL1000s for me is a great bike and this video doesn’t […]