May 042012

Bikefest 2011.


Last year (2011) I thought since I was such the born again biker, that I would head to a rally somewhere. This was before I had a running bike of my own of course, but no matter.

I originally set my sight’s on me on a one nighter, at a rally in west Kerry, but after I mentioned it to the missus, she duly took my opinion into account and then decided the Harley bikefest in Killarney which was the week after my suggested event, would be better for all the family (oh well nevermind).

As it turned out it was an amazing weekend. So much so that I was left questioning why I had spent any time chasing career’s and family and such when I could have been at event’s like Bikefest all my life (you would swear I was being sponsored by Harley or something).

I should say I’m not into the Harley kind of motorbike driving/lifestyle per say (to offset my earlier remark), but the quality of fabrication and finish of nearly all the bike’s( in show or not) deserves huge respect .

It is also worth noting that my young son will run away from my Gamma when I start it (apparently because of the sound), but he will happily without hesitation climb onto a running 1300cc Harley and shout/sing “it’s awesommmmmmme”.



For anyone who can appreciate bike engineering, painting or ridiculous amount’s of chrome it’s well worth a day visit at least, and the Sunday parade of Killarney is something so special to hear,see and feel.

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