Feb 202013

My aid to deciding which colour where.
While my intention was to rebuild to factory specification’s, I early on decided I would allow myself the choice of colours for this bike. I realise this is a major transgression to a grommet watcher type of rebuilder but in my defence it had to be resprayed anyway because of the state of it and a paint job can be changed fairly easily if I or another owner down the road decides to put it back to original colour’s. This decision however also opened a world of endless possibilities for me, so much so that I was having trouble visualising what I might want.

In an effort to pin it down I thought I might be able to use what I believed where my good PC skills to just take (or get) a picture of an rgr125 and use a photo editing bit of software to make up images with different colour schemes so that I didn’t have to rely on my imagination. Seemed plausible at the time.

So I started with this catalogue image…and after an hour of messing I gave up because all I had was this..


The bloody program was too clever and I’m to thick, and it was picking out every little detail in the photo and refusing to colour large area’s for me, so I went a little more low tech with the help of some materials borrowed from my 6 year old…..


and that works just as well.

I actually did 4 of these (this one being the final choice), I pondered for quite a while on which colour the outer tube of the front forks and the brake calliper should be before settling on all black against the red wheel rim. My aim is a black bike with red as a highlight rather than a main colour. I suppose I’ll have to wait to see if it works….

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"Which colour where? An “artists” impression."
is 1 of 137 posts from Bornagainbiker currently available on BikerDIY.com

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