Apr 052015

Had a look at the new GSX-S1000 at the motorbike and scooter show in Dublin. For me this is a really clever move by Suzuki. They appear to know that I am of a certain age where I still yearn for the GSX-R kind of ride but lack the physical ability to endure it as a my commuter bike. They also apparently know I don’t have either the fund’s and/or maybe the paddock space to have a work bike and a (another) “just for fun” bike, so they have come up with a package just for me. And it’s not silly money either.


Here’s MCN’s opinion.


Read the Suzuki Cycles details here.

And this one is just for the nice view….

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"GSX S1000…Me want……"
is 1 of 137 posts from Bornagainbiker currently available on BikerDIY.com

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