Jun 162014

I wonder did it actually change the driving habits of anyone who saw it. A great way to make the point though.

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"Volkswagen distracted driving ad campaign."
is 1 of 137 posts from Bornagainbiker currently available on BikerDIY.com

  2 Responses to “Volkswagen distracted driving ad campaign.”

  1. “I wonder did it actually change the driving habits of anyone who saw it”…………maybe one or two………..

    • Alas, most cage drivers don’t see road traffic accidents as something that might happen to them, only as something that happens to “other people”, people who most likely did something reckless in the first place to end up in the RTA. I personally think it doesn’t matter what you show them, or how well you show it, if people don’t feel they are at risk of some sort of punishment for their actions or lack there of, they will not change (even if they fully intend to).

      I think that’s one of the reasons why bikers are so very aware of the dangers of distracted driving. It’s because early in our biking life we learn (are taught) that not paying proper attention on a bike usually leads quite quickly to some kind of punishment for the biker.

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